Two members of the Arizona Extreme Sports Team getting ready for the Coke Oven Run.  This is where we 

stage just south of the US 60


Taylor heading down the trail, with Bruce's finger trying to get in the shot.  Is is on the "jeep trail" section

More of the rough stuff just after the turn off from the main trail.

Scenic shot

Taylor taking a break, notice the "stair steps" on the left side of the pic. I busted my break lever off just after we turned on to the jeep trail.  You can see my right forefinger reaching for the lever that isn't there.  No front break made the return trip on this trail REAL interesting.

Another shot of some of the stair steps

Scenic shot

Scenic shot .  These shots were taken from the highest part of the trail, we are just about to start heading down toward the river.

Bruce taking a break.

Ponce' de la Bruce working the navigation equipment (GPS)  "now where are those damn coke ovens"

Taylor in all his motocross\trailriding badness

Shot of the Gila river from the coke ovens.

Another shot of the river valley

The Gila river flowing like crazy, this is near the train bridge.

Taylor heading back to the trucks.  It is hard to tell from this picture, but this is one of the worst spots on the trail.