Camp Creek:

Where we put in for this was Camp Creek and Bartlett Dam rd.  The good folks over at AZ ATV Riders did a clean up of this area a few weeks before we went, and apparently did an excellent job.  I had never been to the area prior to this trip, but I didn't see any refuse on the ground from those damn high impact recreational OHV'ers! (also known as quad riders).  This area was interesting.  We went north off the Bartlett Dam rd in the wash.  We drove back about 1/4 to 1/3 of a mile.  We had no idea what to expect since nether Bruce or I had ever ridden this area.  We were going off a topo map, and NG topo shows NO trails leading out of this wash.  Not knowing the area we headed north.  I had seen on the topos that there was Camp Creek and several springs heading north.  ALL trails heading north were blocked off.  We did manage to make it to one spring (don't know the name) other than that all the wash canyons lead nowhere.  

We headed back south past the trucks toward Bartlett Dam rd.  We passed a trail marked 2076 (I think) heading east out of the canyon.  We followed it,  after a short while it looked very promising, we were finally getting out of the wash.  This trail is apparently known as "the bob sled".  The whole trail is about 3' wide coarse sand banking left and right into huge turns.  Hence the name "bob sled" we assume.  It looked like it would be a BLAST on a quad.  Once we finally got up out of the wash, we had finally found some decent trails for our bikes.  We were now in the area east of Camp Creek wash, and west of Horseshoe Dam rd.  There are a TON of trails in this area, raging from beginner to decent single track.

We headed north out of this area toward Kentuck mountain.  We finally hit a trail with a really cool hill climb.  When we got to the base there were several riders waiting at the top, which was unusual since we only saw 4 riders the whole time we were there.  While waiting we watch two riders go up and then another 4 riders, it was getting pretty crowed at the top, and we did not know if there was another way down.  After a few minutes, everyone started heading down the other side, so we decided to try it.  Once on the top, we found a nice single track, and headed north.  This was the first time I had been on a single track (of any length), so it was an new experience for me.  I'm starting to understand the need for a 4-stroke.  We followed the single track about 4 miles to the Horseshoe Dam rd.  There were more trails to explore, but we decided to head to the lake and check out a cove I'd fished several years back.

We drove about 6 miles on the Horseshoe Dam rd, just before the boat launch there is a fenced jeep trial to the left.  We took the trail and headed to Lime Cove.  It had been several years since I had 4X4ed this trail, it was still as rough as I remembered, it took us a good 30 min to make our way to Lime Cove.  I had know the lake was dry and we were hoping to be able to ride in the lake bed, after all there are no HP limits on this lake...hehe.  Once we got to the mouth of the cove (lake side) we realized we took the HARD way around.  Apparently the lake has been dry so long there are well traveled trails headed down from the boat launch.  It only took us about 3 min. to reach where we turned onto the jeep trail.

The Lake is in a sad state of affairs.  In the early '90s I used to fish that lake 2 or 3 times a month.  Today its only the river winding thru the lake bed.  The river is only 15' across and looks really shallow....sad indeed.  All in all we had a great time.  I would recommend this area to all  - Beginner to Experienced rider (once out of the Camp Creek wash) there is something for everyone.

When we get the GPS route we took it will be here.

    The format used here is in EasyGPS format.  Click here to get EasyGPS (its free)

When we get a map it will be here.

    You will need Adobe Acrobat reader.  You can get it here

Here are the Pictures of  our experience.